1)After you have checked this site, click on

and put the name of city closest to the
This is the highest price you should bid for a
Double check that price using the Search
Engine we designed with Google
It searches
this web as well as the rest of the internet
to make sure we haven't missed the lowest
price for the second you look. Remember, the
links in the "ads by Google" box really want
you business and will do what ever it takes.
Step 2) Check
the categories below to see if there may be
another title that is related which could
give a better deal in a way you have not
thought of. These categories are "smart" in
the sense they look at the cookies from all
the sites you have been and find the common
3)Next go to other travel sites,
and put your bid in at least 3
days prior.
4) Finally, if your bid doesn't materialize or
if you want a specific hotel in a specific
area, go back to

and select city closest to airport and
reserve your room. Its that easy!
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