With it being Easter, I thought it might be appropriate to point out the place where the world changed, literally. Scala Santa houses the Holy Staircase. These are the step Jesus Christ climbed to be sentenced to be crucified by Pontius Pilate.
These steps where brought to Rome from Jerusalem in 326 by Constantine’s Mother. The stairs are covered in wood for protection, but in you want to go up on your knees, you can actually be on the spot that Jesus took to be condemned to death.
Think about that. For free you can be in exact spot where the wheels were set in motion to change history forever. No mater what your religion, I think you can appreciate that.
Of course there are other places in Rome where history was changed forever, such as the place Caesar was killed. To see them all, go to the Rome section of NonRevWebsite.com. See more free attractions from around the world at NonRevWebsite.com.
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