Did you ever have that sinking feeling when you reached your destination that you had forgotten to pack something, and it was a major item? That is why NonRevWebsite.com created the Interactive NonRev Checklist. Several years of travel experience has gone into this tool to guarantee nothing is forgotten. A great feature about this checklist is….it’s interactive. As you put items into your suitcase, you can check them off the list.
The Interactive NonRev Checklist is divided into 5 sections so as to not miss anything. The first section is Must Need NonRev Stuff. As the name implies, these are the tools you must have when traveling standby. It includes links to tools like a NonRev Timetable for all the world’s airlines and most trains. .
The next section is Must Need Stuff. This is also a great checklist if you are working a trip or not NonReving. It includes the basics like passport, drivers license, travel clock, etc. . It even has links to sites that help you get your passports replaced if you lose them, they expire, or you run out of room for stamps
Next there is a section on First Aid Supplies. Items such as Dramamine, Pepto Bismol, asprin….etc. It also contains items active people need on adventure vacations like BandAids and after bite salve.
Then there is the Hygiene Supplies section. All the things you need to stay clean. This includes all the things you would expect, but also includes what you might not think of, but you can’t live without if you go on a safari for example. These include tissues and toilet paper.
Finally there is an Other section. It contains the things you might not have thought of and were not covered in the other sections.
NonReving is difficult enough without forgetting something you really need. This Interactive checklist has been designed to eliminate that problem. There is even a mobile version of the Interactive NonRev Checklist allowing users to take the checklist on their phones. Enjoy this new tool and never have that sinking feeling again.
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