THE ROME REPORT: written by Liza Salvatore (Roman historian/Papal scholar)
You can get fined in Rome if you have theĀ wrong Reciept for your meal.
Look to see if the restaurant is giving you an official receipt known as a ricevuta fiscale which has the proprietor’s social security number, etc. IF it does not, it means that they are not paying taxes on what they have charged you so don’t feel obligated to leave anything more than a few coins. I would suggest in any case that you get a “ricevuta fiscale” an official receipt because you are in danger of being caught in a sting with the Guardia di Finanza who may think you are colluding with the restaurant to help them avoid paying income tax. YOU are required to have a ricevuta fiscale when you walk out of a restaurant, a store, a coffee house and may be asked to provide it if the Guardia di Finanza is spot checking.
Tags: attractions, cheap, deals, Food, free, Italy, Museum, Rome, save money, Scams, travel, Travel City