Archive for April, 2009

DieselHouse, Technology Ahead of its Time

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

I am in Copenhagen and just got back from the DieselHouse. This Museum holds a huge Diesel engine that was commissioned to Burmeister & Wain in 1932. From when it operated in 1933 as a supplemental electrical power unit for the city of Copenhagen until 1963, it was the largest Diesel engine in the World. It still operates today, but only as a demonstration of the 1930’s technology.
But there are other exhibits in the museum. They have a model on the Selandia, the first ship ever to have a Diesel Engine. One of the more interesting stories is how Winston Churchill Inspected the Selandia on its maiden voyage in 1912 when he worked for the Navy. There are several exhibits from the history of B&W, to the History of how the Diesel Engine changed the world, to innovation in giant Diesel motors the will be but into the next generation of Navy Ships.
The best thing about this museum is it is free. Click here to See more free things in Copenhagen. To see more free attractions around the world, go to

Where Caesar was Killed

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Did you ever wonder where Julius Caesar was killed? It was not at the front of the Roman Forum. He was assassinated in the Theater of Pompey, where the Roman Senate was meeting temporarily while the old Senate House (a.k.a. “Curia”) in the Roman Forum was being reconstructed under Caesar’s orders as Dictator.

That’s why the surviving Senate House in the Forum is called the Curia Julia,  it’s the one that Julius Caesar founded and completed by his nephew/heir Octavian Caesar (later the Emperor Augustus) after he consolidated his power following the assassination and subsequent Civil War. It is amazing that it has survived to this day, relatively intact.

The Theater of “Pompeus” had a special Curia where Senators would meet to discuss politics, and this is where Brutus acted on the “Ides of March.” There is a Restaurant over the spot which they will let you see the exact spot. This is a great place to eat and experience history.

To see more free attractions around the world, go to